
Monday March 9th, 2009

The exercise:

Alright, basically happy with the new layout - let me know what you think!

So this article totally creeped me out. Maybe 'unsettling' would be the better description.

Either way, today's starter is: planning ahead.


A little piece here,
Another piece there;
Oh what a surprise there'll be
When they come to see me!

I am the king of this cage,
See how they cower as I rage!
Oh they're having quite the fit -
That was a direct hit!

Here comes the man with the food,
Think I'll stone him too!
Or perhaps I'll have a nap instead,
I should really rest my fuzzy head...


  1. It's possible to plan ahead
    But impossible to plan a head
    Because no matter your intent
    Its human nature to argue (ment)
    And most will go with their plan instead.

  2. Haha, that's great Tracy! Wonderful take on the starter :)


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