
Tuesday November 3rd, 2009

The exercise:

Around these parts this inauspicious day of the week means just one thing: it's time for Two Haiku Tuesday.

Your haiku prompt today: flu shot.

What can I say? I had some things to get off my chest.

NaNo Count: 7,121 (done for the day)
NaNo Target: 5,001


Rushed vaccination
Gives me much greater concerns
Than this dreaded flu

* * *

All of this money
To stop a flu? What about...
Ending poverty?


  1. Heh, that made me smile (which is quite impressive at 05:15), that's a great little post today. On the whole I prefer your first haiku, probably because there's a deep, unpleasant truth to the second.

    Referring back to yesterday's comments, using this as a warm up for the novel writing is a clever trick! And I'm glad you liked yesterday's poem; I think all houses could use a breathing room.

    Flu shot

    My influenza
    Doesn't care that you're immune:
    It still tries to kill.


    This disease is back
    I wish I'd had a flu shot
    I cough mis'rably

    And a bonus four-line starter for you that I've had hanging around for years that describes the feeling of generally being ill:

    In the room where dark and light
    Cannot be distinguished
    The softest touch persuades the fevered brow
    That heat must be extinguished.

  2. I agree completely - I'll have to make sure our next house comes with a designated breathing room. I think I shall print out your poem and pin it on its wall :)

    Ooh, two haiku and a bonus poem! Wonderful stuff :D

  3. Only managed one haiku.

    They say it won't make
    You sick -- they were wrong and I
    Was sick for a week.

  4. Morganna - well one is certainly better than none!

    And your haiku pretty much sums up how I feel about the flu shot in general. That's why I've never gotten one.


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