
Tuesday November 16th, 2010

The exercise:

Two haiku about: water.

I've already cracked 2,000 words for today but I'm hoping to do a bit more. Will update in a bit.

Update: day sixteen is finally up. Sorry, Protagonize was down for a while there and I couldn't post it. Now I sleep.


Falling from the sky,
drowning the whole world as I
kiss your love goodbye.

*     *     *

Water in my eyes
since you let your balloon fly -
now off comes my tie!


  1. Keep up the good work! I have started reading your NaNoWriMo novel now, I'm somewhere around Day 8 I think. I'll drop you an email at some point with some praise for it!
    Rhyming haiku? Very nice, though I haven't got a clue what your second one is about. I love the first one though, it's beautiful.

    When I look for her,
    She's underneath the water,
    Smiling peacefully.


    No other liquid
    Supports life so easily.
    Fill up my glass please!

  2. The only effective
    Natural element against
    Fire is water.

    Water is something that
    Human can't live without
    And not just the earth.

  3. Marc: love your first one! I agree with Greg, it's beautiful!!

    & Morganna: I'm hoping to continue yesterday's piece at some point and will send a link here when I'm done if you want to read on.

    Greg: good ones! Your first one had a feel-good factor for me.

    Zhongming: so true - liked your first one.

    Here's mine:


    A fluid and clear
    pool of reflection beckons -
    Dive deep and reveal.


    Wet or solid form,
    it quenches a thirst of sorts
    and it refreshes.

  4. Drip Drip Drop Kaplop
    Dark Skies threaten overhead
    Umbrella opens

    Ice, cold, refreshing
    The glass glistens with moisture
    Good to the last drop

  5. Marc, Re: The Jester's Journey, Chapter 12, 9th paragraph from the end (not including chapter 13), second sentence, I believe you are missing the word 'he'.

  6. You outdid yourself today, Marc.
    Ten in hundred fresh
    One in ten to drink – truly
    This world is water.

    Love it, hate it, we
    Are water now and always
    We cannot escape.

  7. marc, the story is getting to be so exciting. everyday i read the next instalment and every time i'm left wanting more.


    a blow to the head
    tossed onto the cold waters
    a perfect murder

    body won't be found
    been buried under the lake
    hundred years later

  8. Greg - the idea behind the second one is that a man in a suit and tie had just taken a water balloon to the face. Kinda hard to cram into a haiku :P

    Your first one gave me chills.

    Zhongming - really like your second one today.

    Watermark - wonderful first haiku, I really like that one.

    Budd - your first one really paints a great picture.

    Heather - woohoo, a free word for today! Thanks very much :)

    Morganna - thank you :D

    Two excellent haiku, I can't pick a favorite.

    Summerfield - thanks :D

    A murderous haiku? I approve!


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