
Tuesday January 10th, 2012

The exercise:

Two haiku about: the butler.

Holy jeez, you guys did an amazing job with yesterday's prompt. Top notch stuff all around.


He will serve you tea
with consummate manners while
wishing you were dead

*     *     *

Alfred wants to quit
but he knows too much. It sucks
working for Batman.


  1. Doh, when I first saw the prompt I thought it was Butter and I was already to wax poetic about the making of the stuff. But I see it's the Butler now, and I have to work with that. (Yes I got up early to write. I'm crazy like that.)

    The Butler

    Impeccably dressed
    Door chime beckons form the hall
    He brings in the guests

    Rhett Butler, you turn
    from Scarlett O'Hara with
    I don't give a damn

    Yes I took liberties with the prompt, 'cause I wanted butter. *giggles* Also, both haiku were written first line last line middle line. Funny how the brain works. :}

  2. Thanks Greg, thanks Marc! This little neck of the web ain't gonna be a small town much longer! Population has exploded - with so much great writing and inspiration for me. So huge thanks again!

    The butler . . . 2 ways of dealing with it I suppose. . .

    Starched smile, fingers curled
    Wracked spine warped to status born
    Fused by caustic pride

    Eyes anchored to feet
    Hide their owners knowing smile:
    Rich shit reeks the same

    ps. I would totally swap my day job to be batman's butler! ;)

  3. Nice work everyone

    Bowler held in hand
    Penguins waddle to and fro
    Weeps for his lost job

    Murdered in cold blood
    Suspects point at each other
    The cliché did it

  4. @Marc like the first one (more on Batman in a sec)

    @Cathryn - love that you got us away from the butler archetype and went with Rhett

    @Inez - really like that first one - such anger and rigidity in it - the words: starched, curled, wracked, and fused make me feel pain.

    As for being Batman's butler - it does suck, cause he cant leave and he cares too much. Poor guy.

  5. Psst! Hey, kid! Wanna
    Make a million dollars?
    Become a butler.

    Butlers and valets:
    The new high-paying careers
    For the clever man.

  6. Ding dong goes the bell
    Answered with a pleasant smile
    Come this way he says


    Knowing he’ll be called
    To wait on them hand and foot
    He remains close by


    Got to hand it to the Japanese, I don't understand how they manage to express so much with so few words.

  7. It never changes.
    The plot is always the same.
    The butler did it.

    (I liked "the cliché did it" better. That was good.)

    He answers the door
    And runs the house perfectly.
    I need a butler.

  8. The Butler - haiku

    call your baby Jeeves,
    a Seinfeld episode states -
    his destiny's set

    his butler's a maid
    a story about nothing
    Seinfeld makes me laugh

  9. Sorry I'm late getting here... it's been exhausting so far. I'll try and pop back and add comments later on, but for now, I've barely got time to contribute :)

    The butler
    No shoes, messy hair,
    Bad breath, dandruff everywhere,
    The butler don't care.

    When you said to me,
    "Can you buttle for the day?"
    I thought you meant sex.

  10. Elor - a butter prompt, hey? Hmm...

    I quite like the twist on the prompt in your second haiku :D

    Inez - my pleasure!

    Your second haiku managed to sneak a laugh out of me :)

    David - enjoyed the continuation of the Batman theme, but that last line in your second haiku is brilliant :)

    Morganna - I reckon the book deal for a tell all about their employers is a solid retirement plan :P

    Krystin - they may have a gift for concise wisdom, but practice can only help us!

    I think both of your haiku capture that essential butler image.

    Nita - I need a butler too!

    Writebite - love your first one :)

    Greg - I'm just glad you managed to make it at all! I hope things calm down a bit for you soon. Though I seem to have been saying that to you for quite some time now...

    You first one is loads of fun to read aloud :D


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