
Tuesday February 7th, 2017

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: the quitter.

Ugh. That is all for today's health updates.

Back to the bakery tomorrow morning. Fingers crossed I manage to get a decent sleep tonight.


The going got tough.
He didn't care for that much,
so he got going

*     *     *

Each roll of the dice
seems to go in your favor.
You're cheating. I quit.


  1. I'm guessing that the shorter the update the less sleep you had, so I hope that tomorrow's health update requires a separate post because of its length :)
    I like your second haiku better today for its last line especially! I also like your clever letter-omitted acrostic, though "THiS EaSY" seems like boasting a little :)

    The quitter
    Gravediggers who quit
    In the graves they are digging
    Very seldom leave.


    Every day I quit...
    Until lunch. Quitting takes Will-
    Power I don't have.

  2. It's so very hard
    I just cannot possibly
    Manage it, I quit!

    I will not do it
    You can't make me and I won't!
    I quit, forever.

  3. Greg - yes, that would have been nice :P

    Hah, hadn't noticed the almost acrostic. I can only wish I'd done that on purpose!

    Really, really like your first :)

    Morganna - heh, I like the finality of the final line in your second haiku. I appreciate that kind of commitment to quitting :D


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