
Wednesday November 5th, 2008

The exercise:

First off, to celebrate my 150th consecutive day of daily writing practice I've added a couple of new links over on the right there. The first is to my favorite Def Poet Rives' personal website - like his spoken word performances, I find his site mesmerizing.

The second is a page I discovered through yesterday's Blogger Blog of Note - for those of you who 'just can't find time to write', can you manage to squeeze in one minute a day? I should think so.

Today's starter is: pumpkin patch. No, it's not a little late for that. There are still plenty of pumpkins to be found, thank you very much.


Orange bowling balls
With curved green handles;
Scarecrows making calls
For more red candles.

Children pulling pranks,
Full up on candy,
Feasting without thanks,
While mom drinks brandy.

Sugar coated souls
Lost in this fable;
Eating empty bowls
Filled with odd labels.


  1. How kind of you to link to my blog--thank you!

    Beth (The One Minute Writer)

  2. My pleasure, it's a great site.

    I shall stop by soon to add my one minute's worth of words... if I can actually stop myself once the minute is up.


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