Saturday February 15th, 2020

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: the vigil.


Greg said...

I hope your evening went as planned and was very romantic and enjoyable :) Things are quiet here at last in Malta, and I'm starting to relax again. I have squash at lunchtime, and that should help a lot!

“Kittering’s Vigil,” she says and he blinks twice for yes.
It overlooks the whole town; look up and it’s there
Competing with air for ‘most ubiquitous thing’.
“He pushed you off.” Blink. Blink.

Marc said...

Greg - glad to hear you're settling back into island life :)

Oh my. Another deftly handled detail reveal. Nicely done.

IvyBennet said...

Up and down that hall he paced,
Watching the second hand lose the race,
Fingering the kerchief with his mother’s lace,
All just to see his baby’s face.

Marc said...

Ivy - that is lovely. Thank you for this :)