Tuesday August 4th, 2020

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: a tantrum.

We've had some doozies recently. The summer heat seems to encourage them with great enthusiasm.


Greg said...

I'm not at all surprised the heat inspires tantrums -- I think the heat is oppressive and impossible to escape, so it makes people baseline angry, and then any little thing on top of that causes it all to overflow. I'm definitely grumpier and really, really need to get away from Malta. I don't want to put up with this every year.

"Bring the manager!"
An entitled tantrum is
About to break out....

It's tears, screams and shouts.
She calls it her mantra, but
It's just a tantrum.

Marc said...

Greg - yeah, Max in particular doesn't handle the heat very well. I'm not significantly better either though.

Ayup to your first. Pretty much every time a manager is called in, I suspect.

As for your second, I feel like you missed an opportunity for your 'she/her' to be 'he/his' and then have your 'tantrum' become 'mantrum'. That might just be me though.