Monday March 22nd, 2021

The exercise:

Write about: disintegration.


Greg said...

I like how you've reworked the tag and the prompt so that they make sense together :) I'm not sure that Frodo's tale goes much further than this, but it's been an amusing little break from Hermione and breaks up the chapters of that tale a little better.

Frodo forced a smile onto his face and relaxed his hand as consciously as he could, aware that he needed to either discharge or disarm the crossbow before he did something stupid. Or at least regrettable.
"There was a dead messenger on the road behind me," he said, trying to sound concerned. In the back of his mind he could remember a time when death had been horrific and when finding a dead messenger would have upset him for a week, but those memories were dark and hazy as though obscured by the smoke that rose from Mordor still. "Wearing a white helmet, but they looked Elven."
Cereftaghnwaphgle shrugged. "I shall investigate," he said. "Unless you already investigated?" There was no emphasis in his words, and he seemed almost preoccupied as he spoke but Frodo could well remember the times he'd spent on the Elvish ships that sailed for the Grey Harbours and just how dismissive and haughty the elves could be. He was also sure that he couldn't make it to Lothlorien before Cereftaghnwaphgle caught up with him after the looted corpse was examined.
"I found lembas," said Frodo, quickly deciding on a blend of truth and lies. That had served him well when he'd had to deal with Gollum, and somehow blending the two together had become easier and easier since. "It had practically disintegrated; the bag it was in was open to the elements. There was a message tube as well, which I am carrying to Lothlorien. I think that perhaps-"
"Don't bother," said Cereftaghnwaphgle cutting him off mid-word. "Galadriel will happily receive it and return it to me as I am working at her command, but then there will be questions as to why you had it and didn't return it to me directly. Erenor will also gladly accept it and play games with me for a week and then I will come and make you understand why that was a bad idea. Disintegrated lembas will be the least of your worries."
Frodo swallowed and set the crossbow down, the quarrel carefully pointed away from them both. "I have the tube here," he said, fussing about his clothes.
"Unopened?" Cereftaghnwaphgle was as casual as the sunrise.
"I have no idea," said Frodo. "I picked it up and put it in my... ah damn it, where is it now? Somewhere in my cloak and then hurried away. The body seemed... too fresh for me to stay around."
Cereftaghnwaphgle studied the hobbit for a moment, perhaps the first real attention he'd seemed to pay. "You remember Mordor," he said after a moment. "Wise. Sad, but wise."
"Found it!" Frodo held up the message tube triumphantly, and the message slid out of it and rolled across the muddy river bank.

Marc said...

Greg - thank you for noticing, I was quite proud of this one :)

Huh, the elf is still alive. I am impressed with your commitment. I also like the little hints and subtle details you sprinkled throughout this bit.