Sunday August 29th, 2021

The exercise:

Write about: on second thought...

Feeling more rested. Still don't want to go to work tomorrow.


Greg said...

Returning to work is like pulling off a sticking-plaster or band-aid -- there's always a risk of unexpected, uncontrollable bleeding and then everything goes very wrong for a while.... Hmm. Maybe I'm remembering that aphorism wrongly?

On second thought...
Halfway, in mid-step to be exact,
In between safe places and above a yawning chasm...
Now is not the time to being having second thoughts.
Deliberately placing my foot back down,
Sucking in a deep breath like a diver resurfacing,
I stare across the stepping stones to the other side.
Getting there needs focus and attention.
Halfway there,
Turning back now is as hard as going forwards.

Marc said...

Greg - :)

100% appreciate that acrostic. And the poem itself, obviously, but the acrostic makes it all the better.