Tuesday October 5th, 2021

The exercise:

Write two haiku epitaphs.

I'll even join in this time.


Here I lie sleeping
For all of eternity...
Keep it down, will ya?

*     *     *

Dear Doug did not go
Gently into that good night -
Ignorance echoes...


Greg said...

Hmm, a haiku as an epitaph would certainly make for interesting reading in the graveyards. And I like your second haiku best today as it manages to tell quite the story in just seventeen syllables.

Fourteen tons of snow
Surprised Dave -- briefly. Maybe
God can thaw him out.

Here lies evil Sam,
Laid in concrete and quicklime:
May he never rise.

Marc said...

Greg - I would definitely visit that graveyard. And thank you, glad you liked it.

Hah, not sure I can choose between these two. That 'briefly' in the first might just win the day though...