Monday November 30th, 2020

The exercise:

As November draws to a close and December comes knocking at the door, write about: connecting the dots.


Greg said...

Hmm, oddly enough that is what the boys are trying to do at the moment, but I think they might need one more clue to really figure out what's gone on in this city. But... with Red dead, how will they find it?

Connecting the dots
[DWP, 1st December]
The map was passed to me, obviously enough, to look at and try and figure out, while Jimmy stood admiring the crucifixion on the wall. As I turned the piece of paper this way and that and tried to figure out the bits that the blood stain was obscuring, he said,
"Funny that it doesn't smell of much."
"Fresh," said Ben, pretty much automatically because I saw his brain catch up with his mouth a moment later, and he frowned, bushy eyebrows pressing down over his eyes and narrowing them to mere slits. "Damn, does that mean those creatures brought them here from the boat last night?"
"Maybe we were being herded here after all," said Jimmy. I turned the map again, thinking that I figured out where we were on it, and put my finger there. The blood stain turned out to be slightly fresher than I thought as well.
"Didn't feel like we were supposed to go in here," said Ben. "Felt like we were supposed to keep running up that street."
"Copycat," I said absently, tracing my finger along the line I'd decided was a street. It was probably pointless to try and guess how far anything was from this, but I hoping the map was drawn roughly to scale.
"They're copying what the priests did, I think," I said. "Remember the book we found with the talk of gates and passages? Some of those designs were weird geometric ones like what's be done with those bodies. Maybe this is a kind of cargo cult, and they're trying to copy what the priests did with the materials they've got to hand."
Jimmy looked nausated and turned away, swallowing hard. Ben's eyes hardened and he tensed. "Wouldn't like to be children of these things then," he muttered. "Make anything of that map yet, Red?"
"Some," I said. "There's a building along this street, but I can't tell you how far. It's towards the darkness though, and I bet this key is for it. It's marked with a star, but what that means to the mapmaker is anyone's guess."
"It better mean diamonds," said Ben. "I need something to make up for all the horrors we've seen so far. And I don't just mean Josie's cooking."
For a moment we all thought back to a few days earlier when we'd been sat at her long table wondering the if the food was too spicy or not, and I was struck by how long ago that seemed.
"It wasn't that bad," said Jimmy, just a hint of a tremble in his voice. "We're going to go look at this new building aren't we?"
"It's the last one," I said firmly. "I don't care if there's a map to the biggest treasure hoard in the world in there, that walks obediently behind it's owner and defends itself from looters, we're going no deeper into this Eldorado than that."
"Agreed," said Ben after a pause. "We visit this building, then we go hide for the night, and we pack up and leave at first light."

Marc said...

Greg - still not dead, funny man.

That does seem like a long time ago at Josie's, doesn't it? It kinda feels like they've been down here in the city for the whole tale.

And that strikes me as a wise plan. Well, as wise as these guys will get. I'd still want to leave immediately or, better yet, two days ago, but drawing a firm line on the exploration/looting seems to be the best option these guys would consider.