Friday February 26th, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: cats and dogs.


Greg said...

As in fighting like, or raining like? Neither sound the kind of thing I'd expect you to enjoy!

Cats and dogs
The Aquakitty Sanctuary for Psychopathic Predators, once home to a variety of mad and ferocious cats, had branched out to accepting dogs. There were those who questioned the sanity of such a move as the cats and dogs had proven firmly antagonistic, but the current Director, Bad Kitty herself, was making a fortune from selling tickets to cage matches featuring cat vs dog and seemed disinclined to listen to her critics. The crowds gathered twice a week to see a showlist of at least five fights and a guaranteed death somewhere in the middle, and while they might complain and make polite noises of disgust in the outside world, here at the ringside they howled as loudly as the fighters and bayed for blood just as enthusiastically.
"Throw in the reporter from the East Wallingford Gazette," said Bad Kitty, glancing at the crowd, "I think she can have first-hand experience of the fight, just like she wanted."

Marc said...

Greg - I don't think either was happening. I think I just wanted to make you write about one or the other and ended up going with both?

Bad Kitty! And a tie in to the Gazette? You spoil me.