Tuesday February 16th, 2021

The exercise:

Write two haiku that have something to do with: secondhand.

Bought a used storage cabinet for the upstairs bathroom today. Still need to find a small pantry for additional storage space in the kitchen, as well as another light fixture for the living room and maybe a small dresser for our bedroom.

Getting there.


Greg said...

What is a pantry for you? I only know it as a small (or not so small, depending on house size) room for storage of dry goods and/or linen, so buying one sounds... implausible :-D

I bought a new clock,
It gives me hours only...
There's no second hand.

She hoards every cent:
Secondhand soap, used towels...
Don't use her bathroom!

Marc said...

Greg - just an extra storage space, in our case we're looking for a... hmm. A free standing cabinet? To slot into a corner between the kitchen and dining table, so that we have more space for food storage, as the kitchen is a little lacking in shelf space.

Your first made me smile, the second makes me want to fully follow the advice in its final line...