Friday Ocotber 27th, 2017

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about something that is: synchronized.


Greg said...

Did you get anything nice for your birthday? And are you having one of your extended six-day birthdays again this year ;-)

Crowley described the basics of course, in his execrable Magick. To take control of someone you simply synchronize with them; the closer the synchronization the easier it is to take control. I'd left li'l Robbie back in the library, struggling to rise from his chair and now I fell into step with a young man wearing a backpack and a haircut that looked like the barber fell asleep in the middle of doing it, synchronizing our steps. When I stopped, maybe twenty metres further on, he halted as well, his legs locked and muscles straining, confusion written large on his face.

Marc said...

Greg - I got some time to myself in Penticton for the day while Max was at Learning Centre, so that was good! Also: I've got some money to spend on things I'd like/need, so that will also eventually be good :)

That is a fun method of taking control of someone else! I feel like this has some interesting possibilities, so I hope you return to this world now and again.