Tuesday October 31st, 2017

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: Halloween candy.



Greg said...

Boo? You're not scary. What you did with the 200 cubic feet of cheese is, on the other hand, but perhaps we shouldn't talk about that? At least, not where other people can read it....

Hallowe'en Candy

Packets of candy
Offered by strangers to kids...
Isn't this trouble?

Sugar swapped for meth –
Our child is a drug lord!
November seems long....

morganna said...

Street to street, door to
Door, gathering sweets from the
Neighbors -- now we gorge!

Marc said...

Greg - hah :P

Your first is what I was thinking of when I put this prompt up, so kudos to you on pulling it off so nicely.

I had wondered what the effect of me not doing the first take on the prompts would be. I was thinking the three of us generally think differently enough that we don't step on each other's toes. But I suppose on occasion it does happen :)

Morganna - I really like the rhythm of this one. I think it's the half rhyme of door and gorge that really does it for me :)

All right, I should probably do a couple of my own:

Bags overflowing,
we reach the last house. Apples?
We're here for candy.

* * *

I bring ten boxes
to the checkout. "Expecting
lots of kids?" No, none.

Greg said...

@Morganna: I agree with Marc, the rhythm here is excellent!

@Marc: Well, you let me go first this time so I guess I got to take the easy version of the prompt. I like your second haiku better this time for the last two words. Utterly perfect :)