Saturday October 28th, 2017

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about something that is: heart-stopping.


Greg said...

It's kind of odd not having anything to respond to except the prompt. I suppose I'll just have to make something up....
@Marc: well, that doesn't sound like something you'd normally do, but I suppose there is precedent in your writing already. I hope you manage to get it stuck back on, the right way round this time, and that there are no more... incidents that get you so upset again!

Dirty grey skies and the city's not much cleaner,
Ice forms on the windshield; everything seems meaner
A lead hand on the throttle, we're chasing down the Beemer, that
STOLE my mom's defibrillator after he'd been and seen her.

Marc said...

Greg - lol. That is all.

Love your opening line. The tale you've managed to tell in just four lines of poetry is pretty great as well :)