Saturday March 14th, 2020

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: snooping.


Greg said...

I'm glad to hear that you have no cases of the virus anywhere near you yet, and hopefully at all. Though I expect it will eventually be everywhere, but hopefully only after we're all mostly immune to it.
Re Hindsight; I don't mind Curtis as a name, but I am not sure it's our narrator there. And it really did help show Dina's character I think -- I think our narrator, with hindsight, can also see that the writing was there from he first tried to date her, but he's an optimist, isn't he?

He blinks, once for no as they had agreed
And she waits until he blinks again though he fights against it.
“Two for yes, snooping is green for go!”
Is this feeling love or indigestion? He means it.

ahmed said...
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Marc said...

Greg - yes, everywhere is sounding about right at this point...

Yes, NotCurtis is definitely an optimist. No end of trouble with that sort of outlook, but I still like him :P

Hah, I love that she waited for the second blink. Clearly Red did not agree to any time limit between blinks on the 'two for no' option. Sound about right for him, actually...