Friday December 18th, 2020

The exercise:

Only one week until Christmas? Hmm.

Write four lines of prose about: the jingling bells.


Greg said...

Ah, the Christmas prompts! I have been wondering what I'll write for this, so let's see... freed from the constraints of an ongoing story... let's pick some characters at random!

The jingling bells
Dorothy -- or DoHo as Toto insisted on calling her -- was passed out in a pile of straw with a half-dozen empty bottles of premium Oz whiskey discarded carelessly near either hand. The door to the barn was guarded by can-chimes, or jingling bells as she'd called them shortly before she passed out, and the Cowardly Lion (Leo to his friends, and he'd discovered that in Toto's eyes you could be friends with Toto or friends with other people but not both) had been ordered to wait in the shadows to pounce on anyone disturbing the bells.
"Has anyone seen my other arm?" asked the Tinman (Stan to his friends, and he'd had the same revelation as Leo), sitting down on another pile of straw.
"DoHo used it to make the jingling bells," said Toto, trying not to snarl, "for a merry f-ing Christmas, and that's the Scarecrow you've just sat on, mate."

Marc said...

Greg - hah, random indeed. Well, I am sure to be entertained by this selection, to say the least.

That's a fun start! I wonder if Dorothy will wake up before this tale is done?