Saturday December 12th, 2020

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: breaking the spell.


Greg said...

Right, quickest way of Kittering's Vigil is the route that Spud has just taken, so I guess I've got to talk about... BASE jumping in four lines? Or maybe they just land on Spud, and he breaks their fall?

Breaking the spell
“Can you run?” they both say at the same time;
“I can try,” are the next words they share.
It’s not far, they run to the car that brought Emma there
And leave the spell of confusion over Kittering’s Vigil behind.

Marc said...

Greg - I feel like you chose the best route, even though it wasn't the fastest :P

I like this escape. And that they spoke in unison, twice. Looks like you're setting us up for a proper ending to this latest yearlong adventure!