Friday July 16th, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: an emergency response team.


Greg said...

An ERT seems a bit much for a rat, but I guess it was bigger than you let on? :-D

The Emergency Response Team
The Tooth-fairy Emergency Response Team consisted of the Easter Bunny, the Sandman, the dentist from Little Shop of Horrors and Miss Hyde (even though she was supposed to be on sabbatical). The Sandman would put the little tyke quickly to sleep after things had gone wrong, and the dentist would carry out the necessary (and sometimes unnecessary) dental surgery to resolve the problems. The Easter Bunny, a symbol of life and rebirth, would ensure that the tot woke up after the surgery was complete, and might even give the poor child a chocolate bar to cheer them up. And Miss Hyde would deal with any witnesses in her own, inimical, fashion.

Greg said...

OK, one more try. The link, in case blogger adds yet another weird %22 at the end of it, is this:

And this should link to it

Marc said...

Greg - I disagree quite entirely :P

That is... quite the team. A nice balance between the Sandman and the Easter Bunny side and the dentist and Miss Hyde side... though I think things end up a little too far in their realm when it's all sorted out...

Watched the start of the video, pretty sure you've sent that already so I shall neglect watching any further.