Friday July 30th, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: an intersection of possibilities.


Greg said...

That's an interesting prompt! I hope this means you have fun things to choose between at the moment!

An intersection of possibilities
"So many people depict Fate as a weaver," said Miss Hyde, sounding schoolteacherish which rather suited her ankle-length dress with it's high, starched collar and long, buttoned sleeves. "Of course, artists decided to romanticise the idea of a woman at a loom and so we get these blousy hussies standing around in ill-fitting clothes, draped provocatively over looms that certainly weren't intended to take their weight. In fact, Fate is best depicted just as she original was: as a spider."
I looked around nervously; this room that she'd described as being "where possibilities intersect" had long silver lines running through it that did seem oddly like the threads of a spider's web....

Marc said...

Greg - well, I'm hoping so. We'll see how things play out.

Ugh, hopefully no giant spiders involved though, regardless of what ends up happening...