Friday September 2nd, 2022

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the system is down.

Technology issues at work today. Also this.


Greg said...

It's been a while since anyone mentioned StrongBad. Decades, I think... :)

I hope that the technology issues didn't take too long to resolve, or if they did that you at least at something entertaining to do while waiting for things to be fixed!

And I see you've restarted on comments again -- you're about to reach the one where I said that I had deliberately posted less while you were away on holiday. Of course, i wasn't expecting "Out of the Woods' to stymie you for several weeks, so I'll have to give you a belated apology here that I was writing more thinking that you were keeping up.

The system is down
Miss Sikh looked up at the sky, blue with hints of smoke on the horizon, and glared at it.
"The system is down," said Miss Hyde. "I asked for it, specifically, so that you'd have to actually camp for the next two days instead of conjuring a rain of locusts of plague of cockroaches or whatever insect you hope I'm scared of."
Lightning struck two dead pine trees a short distance away and Miss Hyde was sure she heard a quiet "Ha!" from Miss Sikh.

Marc said...

Greg - the phrase 'the system is down' will never fail to bring me back to StrongBad.


And yes, well, Out of the Woods has proven to be a challenge for most of the year. I aim to end on a better note in that area however.

An unexpected take on the prompt, but a very good one! I am glad you haven't forgotten about this little camping expedition!