Friday November 11th, 2022

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about something which takes place: on the battlefield.


Greg said...

Does Osoyoos have any battlefields? Seems like the kind of thing you could hike to, I guess :)

The battlefield
Sixticton's battlefield was a little under two metres long and eight metres wide and liberally festooned with poppies. There had been some concern a decade ago when it was discovered that the poppies were opium poppies, but the field's protected heritage status as the site of the only battle Sixticton had ever fought meant that the poppies were also protected and so couldn't be harvested. They still seemed to vanish overnight when in full bloom, but the Sixticton folk assumed that it was the skinny thug's doing and that he wasn't bright enough to figure out how to extract the opium.
Problems only arose when the Sixticton historical re-enactment society decided that it was time to re-enact the only war Sixticton had ever been involved in and started trying to build an asbestos bomb.

Marc said...

Greg - not that I'm aware of, though I wouldn't be surprised if somebody did something horrible to the indigenous people of the area somewhere in the recent past.

Hah. Now I want to know what exactly that battle was about and who fought in it. Sounds like a cramped affair, to say the least.