Tuesday November 1st, 2022

The exercise:

Write two haiku about something that is: eternal.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Well, as it's the first of November I guess this is about the right time to post this... I think, as of January 1st next year, I shall retire from commenting on your blog, Marc.
I'd kind of hoped that I could post this after you'd reached the October 23rd post as I'd have some idea of what you were thinking along these lines as well, but at the moment you're pretty much a month behind on comments and have been for several months. That's not a criticism -- you're busy and the blog is not terribly important in the grand scheme of things. And therein lies the problem I think -- when you reduced your posting it was because you were busy and the blog needed more time than you had. What's changed since then is that you're busier still -- this is the first year where the year-long story has seemed in danger of not happening, for example. Even then, it's mostly happened because you've felt you had no choice about it rather than because you've sat down with some time and wanted to write to it.
So, rather than continue to force you to keep up the blog I shall retire -- I can post on my own blog after all -- and remove a burden from you. I'm sure you'll still keep this blog and maybe you'll find time to write here now and then too, but at least you won't be forced to put things up just to keep me busy :)
I'd sort of intended to put this up around December, but as it stands I'm not sure you'll see this until you catch up -- by which time it will be December, and that's not very much notice at all. I hope posting it now works out :)

Marriage didn't last,
But it seems that our divorce
Will be eternal.

Prince Melric is the
champignon d'éternité...
Is that a typo?

[Marriage is arguably 3 syllables (Mar-ri-age) but in standard spoken English it's 2 (Marr-age) so that's what I've used in the first haiku.]