Tuesday November 29th, 2022

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: long days.

Max will be returning to school tomorrow. Fingers crossed Miles will be doing the same on Thursday.


Greg said...

I'm a bit mixed up on what I've commented on and not thanks to getting out of order of this, but I hope that this was the point at which Miles turned the corner and started feeling properly better again :)

I also think I forgot to update you on the NaNoWriMo effort -- I reached 50,000 words by the 25th November mostly by not taking any of my intended days off and managing to average 2,000 words a day. So that's good. The novel though is not finished and will probably reach 70,000 before it is. And I've already got notes (in my head) on where the rewrite will need to start, so I guess it might be April before I'm really done with it :-D

Long days
Every day is long,
Here in the Arctic Circle.
But wait for winter....

Immobile, sleepless,
Every day feels like seven.
I long for a change.

Marc said...

Greg - eh, don't ask me, I'm just trying to get properly caught up. Maybe once I've done that it'll be less confusing for the both of us?

Congratulations on 'winning'! Does the tale involve any characters or settings you've shared here on the blog, or is it entirely new?

Really like these, the first in particular.