Saturday December 17th, 2022

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: losing.


Greg said...

Hmm, there's something obvious being lost in the this poem (apart, obviously, from my sanity which must have evaporated back in April when I didn't end this monstrosity then) :)

And well done on catching up with all the comments! I am genuinely impressed, and suspect that this bodes well for whatever you're planning to do instead of the blog :)

Do they never shut up about finding their place?
I’m losing my mind as they prattle anon.
Talking of using my home as their base,
I wish my new friends would just move along.

Marc said...

Greg - hah, well, you've almost managed to see it to its end, and that is a remarkable feat!

As to the much overdo comment catch up, I felt like it was the least I could do to bring things to a proper end here. Could hardly put up the final post while being three weeks behind on comments!

For some reason I don't expect the new friends to just move along. But I guess we shall soon see!