Saturday April 3rd, 2021

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: signs of hope.

Or a lack thereof, as the case may be.


Greg said...

Signs of hope seems very appropriate for Easter Sunday, and I hope that you don't need such signs -- I'm assuming that Baba Yaga hasn't turned up to steal children and give a whole new meaning to Easter for the world :)

Signs of hope
The final groan either portends death or is the sigh
Of a giant stretching after hibernation.
The ghost town has drowned beneath this sunset sky
But the ship, upright, moves with hope and with the current.

Marc said...

Greg - I don't recall exactly what inspired the prompt, but I like that it suits the weekend. And the holiday, as it still stands.

Well... things might be looking up for your narrator? Maybe? At least they're not drowned yet.