Thursday April 1st, 2021

The exercise:

Write about a: holiday weekend.

Very much looking forward to this four day weekend.


Greg said...

Ah, Canada is the same as the UK then? You get Easter Monday off too? Malta (and I think much of Western Europe) only has Good Friday off -- but it had far too many other public holidays so it's probably better like this. I hope you have lots of fun, and I've written a cheerful, optimistic holiday weekend story to celebrate!

Holiday weekend
"Pooh would have loved to be here for the holiday weekend," said Christopher Robin. "Since Easter falls so close to the start of Spring this year they're having a honey-parade through the middle of the village. Some of the smaller children (and Christopher Robin was very careful to emphasize smaller, being that he was quite short for his age himself) are dressing up as birds and bees. Though... mother got a very funny look on her face when she found out. I think she had to take smelling salts to calm her stomach."
Piglet looked up. He looked much the worse for wear: his rib cage poked through his tattered skin in places, and he was still missing a leg despite all Christopher Robin's attempts to attach a new one. The stitching wore out quickly in the rain and they fell off again. His ears looked moth-eaten and he was missing an eye and the skin on his face was mottled and gray and possibly there was fungus growing in his nose. He grunted.
"I know," said Christopher Robin as though he understood. They stood together, paw in hand, in from of the Pet Sematary. In Christopher Robin's other hand was a shovel and behind them was a binbag. It was lumpy and looked heavy. "But look what happened with Eeyore."
They both shuddered and were silent. There hadn't been much of Eeyore left that Pooh hadn't turned into pyjamas and burying them in the Pet Sematary had been a mistake. A bad one.
Piglet grunted again.
"Well, he'll hardly think you're a bacon sandwich now," said Christopher Robin, not seeing the look of pain and hurt that crossed Piglet's face. "Maybe a bag of Doritos, if we're talking about nutritional content." His words seemed to reach his ears and he fell silent again.
"Well," he said at last. "It's not a holiday weekend with Pooh Bear, so let's get him buried."
Piglet grunted.
"Yes. And see what wakes up."

Marc said...

Greg - not everybody gets the four day weekend, but municipalities and schools do. The rest just get a three day weekend - I think they have to work the Monday.

I... do not believe your claim about what I'm about to read.

And... yup.

I do enjoy the way you portray these two together, just for the record :)