Friday September 24th, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the malevolent river.


Greg said...

Hmm, where did this idea come from? The planning department? :)

The malevolent river
Sixticton's river fed its only geyser, Old Faithless, and because the geyser had a tendency to move around and turn up in unexpected locations it meant that the river meandered rather more than most rivers had need, want, or interest in doing. For a long time Sixticton's only geologist, Marjorie Schist (she muttered dark things about nominative determinism from time to time), had thought that the water table beneath Sixticton must just be highly irregular which caused the river to dry up in places and emerge in others as a complex series of pools and reservoirs emptied and filled.
"Now I think it's just a malevolent river," she said, speaking to a press conference held between Sixticton's sex shop ('Stickitin!') and the landscaping firm('Quattro Formaggi') that had helped her excavate a section of river to reveal flat, flat rock. "I think it hates a certain section of the community," all eyes avoided the skinny thug who was whistling along to something he was listening to on his headphones, "and just arranges itself to inconvenience them the most."

Marc said...

Greg - hah, no. Just thought it would follow the angry ocean prompt well enough.

A lot to enjoy here. Hard not to point out the name of the sex shop as a clear highlight, so... yup.