Saturday December 14th, 2019

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: tumbling.

I have a plan for my final two entries. We'll see how they actually turn out.


Buddy's shot caught Charlie in the back and sent
Him tumbling through the air
And out the window to the ground below, thus
Ending the sordid affair


Greg said...

So Charlies is gone and we are back with Buddy and -- maybe -- the Master, so we're back to where we started. I guess you're going to take it full circle and the Master will issue Buddy with another list? :)
I'm also a little apprehensive -- if you know what you're doing with the last two verses then the prompts are pretty much set... and I have no idea what they'll be!

“The dice are tumbling still,” she says, “the fate
Of th’Unreal City is not yet confirm’d.”
Both pairs of eyes look to the book whose pa-
-ges must be turn’d. The Sailor sets his sword

Marc said...

Greg - no, I've pretty much been going through the year by writing the poem first and then figuring out what an appropriate prompt would be after, and hopefully make it general enough for you to work with as well. I fully realize that is cheating, but I don't think I could have done it any other way and still make the poem work.

Anyway. Two weeks left!

Crap, that means I'm going to have to post the whole thing sometime soon, just to see it all in one place. That is going to take some time.

I continue to be impressed by your ability to work with the prompts to keep your tale going. I hope that the final two prompts will help you bring it to a proper end.