Tuesday December 17th, 2019

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: the elf on the shelf.

This is the first year we've done this with the boys, and it is only because their cousins do it. At this point in the month I am finding it more and more difficult to come up with new places to put the stupid thing.

Add that to the list of reasons we need a bigger home.


Greg said...

I had to hunt around to find out exactly what Elf on the Shelf is, as the website is remarkably uninformative. I have realised now that it's because they want you to buy the book (the reviews are lukewarm at best), and then I found this. Which explained it to me far better than I suspect the book could.

Elf on the Shelf
The Elf on the Shelf
Worked for the KGB once.
Maybe he still does.

Snitches get stitches;
The intensive-care bear has
A bed for your Elf.

morganna said...

A simple and fun
Tradition, training the kids
To accept the spies.

Marc said...

Greg - I know! I spent a while looking for something more instructive to link to but couldn't find anything, because I figured this nonsense hadn't exactly gone global yet.

We're not really talking about the spying part, as neither Kat nor I care for it - I'm just trying to make it a fun hunt in the morning to see where 'Holly' has gotten to now.

Max named her, for the record, not me.

Hahaha, the intensive care bear reference wins the day this week.

Morganna - yeah, pretty much. I am not at all sure how this is acceptable, never mind that it's actually incredibly popular.

g2 (la pianista irlandesa) said...

Ripe for ridicule,
One of the parodies is
Some nightmare muppet.

My partner was clear:
"If you get to have that shrimp,
I can have Krampus.”
So my partner found this Elf on the Shelf parody, Krampus on the Mantle—which is excellent, in a "thanks I hate it" kid of way.

When I expressed this sentiment, my partner was swift to point out that if I can have a poster of a monstrous, angelic shrimp, she should be able to have this nightmare muppet on principle.
Which, despite my insistence that it's a good and benevolent shrimp, is a fair point.

Marc said...

g2 - Krampus on the Mantle is a fantastic response to this elf nonsense. So... I'm gonna have to side with your partner on this one :)