Friday April 1st, 2022

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: Snow White.

Just finished reading Grump. I think you'd appreciate the author's depiction of the princess, Greg.


Greg said...

I see that that's one of four books she's written so far (so I'd guess that even just sticking to the well-known fairy-tales she's got another six or so planned) and it looks like the modern take on retelling the story from a minor character's perspective. It looks like fun, if perhaps something I'd go through in an hour or so :)

Snow White
The huntsman took Snow White out to the woods in the usual fashion: her hands tied together in front of her and the rope attached to his saddle so that she had to run to keep up with the horse.
"You don't have to do this," panted Snow White, trying not to stumble, "you could just let me run away into the forest and probably get eaten by a bear."
"Look," said the huntsman, not unkindly. "You're the fifteenth kid the queen has had murdered like this, and to be blunt, I enjoy my job."

Marc said...

Greg - oh yeah, it was definitely a quick read. Max read it after me and he's already asked for me to get Rump from the library for him. Though now that I'm looking at her website I think he might like The Time Castaways as well...

Hah, well, I suppose by the fifteenth time he'd have a pretty good system in place...