Thursday April 14th, 2022

The exercise:

Write about something that is: smooth.


Greg said...

Well, I'm disappointed you didn't get a sledgehammer and join in with the renovations. Or at least give Max the sledgehammer and let him join in :)

Teased straight by gentle fingers,
Hems dangle and a faint scent lingers;
Emily regards the sheets and sighs.

In morning light things looks like rocks.
Last night the bumps and lumps all vanished
Mad passion smoothed things out.
Afterwards... well, she begins to doubt
That everything she thought she'd banished
Until now will stay within its box.

Aching for a touch again, skin on skin,
Reaching for forgotten pain it begins...
Emily shudders and hides her eyes.

Casting herself upon the sheets, she weeps.
Overhead her reflection in the ceiling
Mirrors is as smooth as ice; she feels as cold.
Instinctively she reaches out and grabs hold,
Never to let go, of everything she's feeling,
Gathering herself before she must release.

Marc said...

Greg - oh, he would have had so much fun with that...

That is a powerful, intense poem. Very impressive work, I really enjoyed it.