Friday April 22nd, 2022

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: inch by inch.

Woke up feeling slightly better. Not well enough to go to work, or even work from home, but enough to give me some real hope that by Monday this garbage will be a distant memory.


Greg said...

In light of your comment last week Dr. Fraud has insisted that I point out he is well-meaning in his attempts to heal patients, but that they are recalcitrant, ornery and occasionally from Minnesota which can lead to him needing to try some unorthodox methods. He also asked me to tell you that he'll be sending you an invoice for that advice.

Inch by inch
"I don't see how I can follow your directions with this," said the middle-aged woman slowly, pointing at the garden hose (one of which was already attached to the outside water tap) which was coiled loosely on the path.
"Inch by inch," said Dr. Doestoomuch, typing furiously on his phone as he tried to advise another patient on their haemorrhoids by text message and a third patient on burn treatment over Skype. "Just keep pushing until you've got it all in, then turn on the water -- but slowly, turn that on inch by inch as well. And wash the bad humour away!"

Marc said...

Greg - hah!

Oh my lord. I think I would find a... less distracted and overwhelmed doctor if I was that woman.