Saturday January 11th, 2020

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: lemonade.

Brought the boys to visit Kat's parents this afternoon. Was supposed to have a coffee, then go work out, then drive them back home. Forgot to pack my gym shorts. Used the time to catch up on comments instead.


Greg said...

I did notice the sudden upsurge in commenting! I'm glad you got some spare time, no matter how unexpectedly, and I'm also pleased that you like the Inspectral tale. If you want to think of what you'd like after that, feel free to let me know, as it seems I only ask when you're too busy to make a choice before I start on something! And yes, feel free to join in on it if you like :)

This is a continuation of last week's poem since I was re-reading it a a result of reading your comments.

On the bedside table are flowers,
Cards, a bottle of lemonade and
A handwritten note signed by Emma B.
Nurses check on him constantly.

IvyBennet said...

Sweet and tart mixed as one
Color brighter than the sun
Lots of work when fresh made
The one and only lemonade

Marc said...

Greg - hah, yes you do. I shall think about what I'd like to see next though, and try to convey it to you before you get going on something else :)

Hmm, an intriguing continuation. Now I'm wondering who 'he' is.

Ivy - nicely done :)