Friday November 24th, 2017

The exercise:

In the interest of providing a counterpoint to yesterday's prompt, today write four lines of prose about: the deficit.


Greg said...

Deficit,v.i. O.Fr. Originally "Deface it!" from the French verb defasser meaning to unfasten or (curiously) to add enough garlic to suffocate a snail, this was shouted by protesting proletariat (is there any other kind?) at landowners and market-makers during the Plebian Riots of 1813, 1819-1820, 1831, 1833, 1837, 1845-1848 and 1880-1904. Now, to deficit is to free something of monetary value and convert it into a liability, often practiced by sharp financial corporations who deficit their entire staff and write them off against tax. The American National Deficit is an extreme example of this, where the entire population has been written off as a liability, and current predictions are that they will be indentured to China as early as 2019.

Marc said...

Greg - you have no idea how happy it makes me to see you doing a definition response to a prompt :)

So much to like here. Perhaps the garlic/snail detail is my favorite. Or maybe the list of Plebian Riots years. Or perhaps it is the ending. Hard to say :D