Tuesday July 14th, 2020

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: jazz.

Yup, that was definitely much better.


Greg said...

You're making me guess a lot here! Ok, so the first day was eerie because the ghosts have reclaimed the town hall and are having trouble adjusting to you returning. The second day is better because they left out a few old Ella Fitzgerald albums and you decided to play them, and you've developed a mutual appreciation of classical jazz music? And tomorrow the ghosts will tell you where the night-birds are nesting and why they've turned the heating on?

I'm improvising
Like a jazz musician. It
just looks like I'm dumb.

His cigarettes smell
Like bonfires of new-mown grass.
He says they're jazzy.

Marc said...

Greg - leave the night birds out of this. The jazz can stay though.

Hah, your first would aptly describe my musical ability I think :)