Saturday August 29th, 2020

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: hindsight.

So, uh, Hindsight tomorrow or Monday, huh? Let's aim for tomorrow.

Edit: not sure what happened with original post. Computer crash in the middle of writing it up must have buggered something. Hopefully things show up properly now (though I did have a different prompt initially, but I guess I'll save that for next week).


Greg said...

I thought maybe you'd decided to use white ink on white background for the prompt, but even highlighting the line doesn't reveal anything after the colon. So, that leaves me with either 'hindsight' or 'tomorrow' as the prompt, given what you've written (not even a label to help me out!). I've gone with 'hindsight'.

The streets fly by as do the minutes,
With Hindsight he should have called a cab.
Planning’s not his strong point, Emma handles that…
He tries to run a ittle bit faster with that thought.

Marc said...

Greg - yeah, still don't know what happened. I'm fairly certain I retyped everything as I had it, then added the prompt, but maybe it found a way to publish the initial post instead.


I appreciate that you found a way to move forward anyway though. And the prompt I'd wanted to use is still appropriate for the next entry, so winners all around!