Thursday March 25th, 2021

The exercise:

Write about: charisma.


Greg said...

I never got the virtual tour of the recording studio in the end as various things got in the way, but I get one in the future I'll be sure to tell you about it :) As for today's prompt... still sounds like a pinchmon to me ;-)

Gra-dual, boulder-sized and rock-skinned, hung momentarily in the air as it was freed from the pinchprison and then it hit the ground with a resounding thud. The podia that she and Toby were stood at shook a little with the impact, and Harmony though she might have heard a slight cry of pain. But pinchmon were tools for fighting with, and if they got hurt a little during the battle, well, that was the way fights and battles went. There were bound to be some casualties in order for one side to demonstrate superiority over the other.
Toby's face scrunched up as he considered the Gra-dual sitting in front of him, looking grim and menacing, and he mentally ran through his list of pinchmon wondering what would be a good choice to release next. Gra-dual, he well knew, liked to throw rocks and boulders around, tear up the ground and produce seismic waves like earthquakes in miniature. They weren't used much in practise because they caused a lot of damage, and the loser would be required to pay for the repairs.
"Charisma," he called, his voice trembling just a little, "Get out here, you little bitch!"
Harmony raised an eyebrow, but the pinchprison responded and there was a twinkle in the air and a gust of wind brought the smell of pears across the arena. For a moment all she could think of was a prime yellowish-green pear pulled fresh from the tree, firm-fleshed and juicy; then her mind cleared and Charisma, a floating eyeball of a pinchmon, hovered above Gra-dual.
Charisma had a small, bird-like body about the size of a hummingbird, but selective breeding over centuries had enlarged first its head and then its eyes until it looked like a eyeball on a stem. They were notoriously difficult to feed and keep in captivity, and most pinchmon used them as soon as they could capture them in order to maximise the value from them. Using them for practice was a little wasteful in Harmony's opinion.
She thought, while Toby smiled. Gra-dual could do little to hurt a flying pinchmon unless and until it was on the ground. However, Charisma could do little to damage the thick, rock-like of Gra-dual either, so at the moment this was a strategic game. What she needed was something Toby wouldn't expect that could tip things in her favour.
"Bugsplatter Prime, I choose you!"

Marc said...

Greg - it does, doesn't it? Impressive considering I hadn't read your response to the previous day's prompt until just now!

Really enjoying the descriptions of the creatures. And Bugsplatter Prime? That... should be quite the introduction.