Monday August 15th, 2022

The exercise:

Oh, here's one we haven't done in a long while: write some fake business cards. As with the previous (and sadly, before today, only) time, the sillier the better.

If I don't join in today, I will when I reach this prompt in my catch up on comments.


Greg said...

Hmm, this is twelve years since we last did this? You must have been digging in the archives :)

Business cards

Bill's Grill (and Crematorium)
All the meat that's fit to eat! (And disposal of the remains is very discrete!)

Heidi's Vegan Butchers
Our fakon tastes like ash, because that's what you get for trying to eat lovable animals. We know where you live and we've passed your details onto PETA.

Journalism and Executions
We'll put you in the noose!

Trump Business School
Run by a very stable genius! At the end of the first semester you will be able to identify: Person, Woman, Horse, TV and something else... we forget.

Marc said...

Greg - I'm not sure, but I might have had actual business cards on the brain for some work-related reason. Regardless... I'm sorry, it's been how long?

Hah, those last two are brilliant.

Ah, dang it, I promised I'd join in. All right, here goes...


Excelling at telling you exactly what you want to hear for all my years - Joucan Trussme, Lifelong Politician

I model clothes, not good behavior - I. M. Hungry, Professional Model

One for you, one for me, we're one big happy family - Newt Sauber, Bartender

You can count on service with a smile, for as long as I can count on your cash - George "Knee Caps" Gibbons, Bookie