Friday November 4th, 2022

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: a mania.


Greg said...

Since I mentioned NaNoWriMo on last Saturday's post, I guess I ought to provide an update on how I'm doing: so far I have a little over 10,000 words and am sticking (mostly) to a 2,000 word a day schedule. Mostly.

"They say that mania comes from reaching the bottom of the bottle before you're ready for it to be empty," said Dave, part-time philosopher and full-time crook. "But my bottle never seems to get empty."
Vince, who had been discretely refilling Dave's beer bottle every time Dave was distracted -- an easy thing to arrange since anything with flashing lights or loud music grabbed his attention -- , yawned slightly and said, "Well, manic is probably not what we want when we meet Dr Monsanto, right?"
"I'm a bicycle!" yelled Dave standing up too quickly and then collapsing unconscious as the alcohol finally took effect.

Marc said...

Greg - well done! That's a promising start :)

Hmm, hopefully Vince is up to the task of handling the meeting on his own! Or maybe one of the henchlings will be able to assist?