Tuesday November 22nd, 2022

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: sick days.

Miles has been dealing with a nasty bug the last few days. But after two days of mostly sleeping and not doing much in the way of eating or drinking, he seemed to turn the corner a little bit at dinner tonight. Fingers crossed he wakes up feeling much, much better tomorrow morning.


Greg said...

Miles sounds a lot like me on the rare occasions that I'm ill: I also tend to just sleep until I've recovered. I hope that he wakes up feeling back to his normal self too!

Sick days
Long days of vomit,
Stomach erupting, sweating,
These are our sick days.

You took six sick days
To go rollercoastering...
Stop throwing up now.

Marc said...

Greg it certainly took a lot more than a good night sleep or five, but he's back to his usual self now, finally.

Well, these are pleasant. My own fault for the prompt, I suppose. And I have to admit that your second made me smile, so there's that :)