Saturday December 24th, 2022

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: outcasts.

Busy day of last minute shopping, wrapping presents, sneaking around in order to maintain the magic of Santa, and... it all actually went pretty well. Despite the cold and wind and overabundance of energy and excitement in the house.

Merry Christmas!


Greg said...

I wouldn't call it an overabundance, I'd suggest that people just saved it up for you as your Christmas present. So you ought to be more grateful :-P
It sounds like you're having a fun Christmas Eve despite attempting to sound grumpy for the sake of it. I was thinking of asking Death and the boys to call in and say hello to you but... well, that sounds sort of sinister, doesn't it? So maybe I'll ask Miss Sikh and Miss Hyde to call in as they're probably the least sinister characters I've created. And now that I read that back, that's both surprising and slightly worrying.
Merry Christmas though, I hope it all goes superbly well!

Right, a slightly surprise for you, I suspect. There are two verses here because in order to complete the poem the last verse uses the two lines from the penultimate verse and two lines from the first verse to complete the circle so I would have to ignore next week's prompt and just post the 'synthetic' final verse. And while I might have done that under different circumstances, that would definitely be rude for the last post on your blog, so I'll be rude here and deliver two verses instead of one so that I can write to the prompt next time round :)

I’m losing my mind as they prattle anon.
They’re outcasts to me so I’m changing my life!
I wish my new friends would just move along.
Where did I put my books and my knife?

They’re outcasts to me so I’m changing my life
I’ve too many friends, too many people.
Where did I put my books and my knife?
I’m hitting delete, I’m starting anew,

Marc said...

Greg - while I'm sure that you've created less sinister characters, I'm equally certain that I can't think of any at the moment...

I think you've made the right choice with ending it this week. Although it would have been pretty epic to end this ridiculous endeavor on the final blog post.

And I genuinely can't believe you managed to end this so... sensibly? Like you had a plan all along? Like you actually knew what you were doing :P

Regardless, hats off to you. All the hats.