Friday December 1st, 2017

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about something that has been: drained.


Greg said...

Glad you liked the pickleball tale yesterday Marc, I'm not sure I'm completely done exploring what that word really should mean :)

The Yellow Pond (named so long ago that no-one remembered why it was called that) sat on much higher ground that the surrounding town and was a popular holiday spot for geologists who tried to puzzle out how the lake could sit there. About once every three years one of them would come into town with a puzzled look on their face and explain to the nearest townsperson that they'd gone swimming in the lake and found a large plug at the bottom. And, as the water in the lake drained away, and the town around them appeared to sink as lake water rose up to th eight-inch mark, the townsperson would sigh and hand them the bill for the repairs.
Meanwhile, the town's insurers would go back up the lake and check that the plug was still loose enough for the next geologist to pull out when they got curious.

morganna said...

With a gurgle, the last of the water drained away down the sink. Left behind was a ring of soap scum layered with sweet potato peelings and carrot scrapings. Over all was a black film from the insides of the garbage disposal. "Well, it could have been worse, we drained it before it overflowed onto the floor."

Marc said...

Greg - I would not be surprised to see more on the subject from you :)

Hah! What a delightful take on the prompt. Love the whole idea of this scenario, and it playing out over and over and over again...

Morganna - this... seems like it was pulled from real life. Maybe not, but it's not difficult to imagine this scene playing out in real life :)