Saturday December 30th, 2017

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about a warning. Specifically: keep out.


Greg said...

I'm now in the last day of 2017 and it's been an interesting year. From Malta to Kiev, a couple of months in the UK sorting out a visa application, and going from (slowly) learning Maltese to (slowly) learning Russian, it's been quite busy as well. I think it might take a little time to sort out the implications of everything that's happened.

Keep out
Diaries often come with "Keep out" on the cover,
Often too they lock, to keep them from another.
Only this one's cursed, so that if you look inside
Monsters eat your soul and make cushions from your hide.

Marc said...

Greg - you've had quite the eventful year! I hope things settle in nicely for you in 2018, without an excess of new excitement :)

Really love your first two lines. Almost could be the start to a fairy tale. Your final two lines make sure it would be a dark fairy tale, but that's not a complaint at all :D