Tuesday December 26th, 2017

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: naughty or nice.


Marc said...


Coal in my stocking
again? Well, guess what Santa?
It was all worth it.

* * *

I don't think it's a
good sign that it's so hard to
write a Nice haiku...

Greg said...

Now that the Dream Kingdom prompt has slipped off the front page you might need to tell us when you've added to it :) Thank-you for your comments on my characters; maybe I could alternate months, with one month being devoted to developing existing characters and the next being more freeform. Let's see what the New Year brings!
I like your second haiku better today, even though your first made me smile broadly. I'm pretty certain I agree with your first, but I agree even more with your second -- where's the fun in being nice?

Naughty or nice
We can go to France
If you're well-behaved. This year
It's naughty or Nice.

Santa's list is pure
Discrimination. The A-
CLU will sue!

Marc said...

Greg - ugh. Planning on working on that tonight. Hopefully will have something to post before bedtime.

I like the idea of alternating months like that. But whatever ends up working for you is fine by me.

Oh man. "It's naughty or Nice." That's inspired. Well done, sir. :)