Friday May 31st, 2019

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about something that has been: transfused.

Miles had a blood transfusion last night, so I spent the night at the hospital in Penticton with Kat and him. It seems to have gone well, and we're very much hoping this will be the only one he will have to get done. We're back home at any rate, and his next blood test isn't due until Wednesday.

Oh, just for you Greg: the official diagnosis is Transient Erythroblastopenia of Childhood.

Say that three times fast.


Unknown said...

Thank-you for the full name :) Having looked it up it looks like the transfusion is the worst you're likely to see happen with this -- I get the impression that this is just one of those things that children sometimes get and we don't know much about it other than it turns up and then goes away again. Like a distant uncle.

Maureen was watching Ellen very carefully: all of a sudden Theresa was having trouble concentrating and Ellen had managed to play both CONFUSE and ROOFIED on consecutive turns. Maureen found this all extremely suspicious and had moved her teacup to the side away from Ellen and was surreptitiously sniffing the air to check for airborne drugs.
"US," said Theresa, laying down the tiles and staring at them as though seeing them for the first time.
"TRANSFUSED for 107," said Maureen quickly, waving her hand at the waiter as she saw as opportunity to get fresh drinks on the table.

Marc said...

Greg - yeah, the guess seems to be it was triggered by a virus (he had a pretty bad cough about a month before the near-fainting incident) and after that all they can do is monitor, transfuse if things get too low, monitor some more, until things go back to normal.

We're hoping to be entering that final category now.

I hope you know that you can continue this Scrabble game pretty much forever and I will not get tired of reading it :)