Saturday May 4th, 2019

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about something that is: in flames.

I think I shall consider this the start of Part II for mine.


The Master watched the reports of the fire
In Ecuador with a smirk,
For in the mile high flames he could see the mark
Of his loyal robot's work


Unknown said...

So, continuing to analyse your prompts, you were so annoyed with the shrinkage of your hoodie you burned it? Or did you just leave something turned on the in Town Hall and it started a fire? :)

In flames
First up, then down into a curving worm-
-made world. These tunnels sprawl for miles they find,
Some end in ice and some in flames. Odd carv-
-ings hint at diff’rent history and facts.

Unknown said...

Couple of updates for you: Lord Derby's story has somehow sneaked up to 71,000 words, give or take so it looks like you've got a novella at least, and possibly a short novel. I should probably apologise for abusing your blog like this.
While I was collating all the Lord Derby pieces (and I'm pretty sure I've been inconsistent about Gates in London, but I need to re-read those bits to check) I noticed that you've not added to the House of Mercy yet... and we're coming up to next one soon :)
And... are you sulking because I killed S...omeone recently? Or just busy :-D

Marc said...

Greg - honestly I think all it would take to burn down Town Hall is leaving a light on over the weekend.

Which, for the record, I did not do.

Ooh, these are curious tunnels indeed!

Your word count is nothing to apologize for. Samual, on the other hand...