Friday April 3rd, 2020

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about something that is: sly.


Greg said...

Ah, something I can definitely use for Scrabble! Thank-you :)

Chris's last play of the game, emptying his rack and twisting his oddly-shaped face into a gargoyle's idea of a grin, was VICE. The E linked CARP and and loose T into CARPET and the I linked ION and C into IONIC while the V converted AN, Theresa's previous play (leaving her still with the J) into VAN.
"Sly," murmured Margaret, adding up the value of the letters left on her rack. Chris has won, by a narrow 28 points, but it was still a victory and their only loss of the competition so far.

Marc said...

Greg - you're welcome :)

A bit of a stunning twist to have them lose, but it's done in a believable manner, with a particularly impressive opponent. Curious to see how the team recovers from this one.